Belated Selamat Hari Raye to all malay-ians.
3 days past like so fast that i never expected. Slacking at home & like nothing better to do . My holidays getting more sucky and sucky . went blog's hoping to some of the blog . but i didnt tagged and when i reached this "some1" blog. the weird thing i done is, i press-ed the archievement ( past history post ) of hers and started to read. i wanted to laugh at her old post that she posted. i read finish the whole of her blog post starting of September 2007 and i find out that she changed alot in the past few year. the way she post in the past and in the present is different. you may really spot it out .
after that , i went to take a nap as im really bored. i dont know whad am i doing either. i waked up in the sudden cause of some weird dream . but i know it wont come true (: . stone infront the comp again and i started to surf on facebook. lifeless isnt ? 3 week holiday and im doing this like repeating . im fated to be. so let it be.
seriously i hope im drunk . closed my eyes and sleep and never ever wake up.
maybe i would be dead of being boredness. no one knows. no one theres.
oh , whadever it is, i hope everyone is doing fine. alright.
goodluck to those who are having any trip.
goodbye reader.