Friday, September 04, 2009

my photoshop work(:

im dam shag for the past few days . rushing all over for my homeworks , exam are around the corner. took back all my books and started to flip and read through . thou not really read it , but at least i flipped (:

2 Sept
SOT deadline should be 3sept , but due to some of them didnt complete , postponed 1 day after . -.- so so so tired. tons of work waiting for me to complete. and im not a last min guy . (: BEG task to be done but i ignored . :D my phone was like #@$#@$ oh ya , only those who knows will get whad i mean. lots of ppl message me and yet i cant see the screen . please i beg you guys , dont blame me it i didnt reply back :( met wl at the busstop . sat there for 15min chat. -.- and we decided to move to jol house. jol blame me for putting virus into her comp :O . at first she said thats her dad's comp , so i said never mind. -.- then i turn around to set up adobe photoshop for wl and i wanted to find that hard disk . i was searching tot where i put it . who knows she already plugged in to the USB cable. :x and everything its too late. btw , i also duno there virus inside :x cause i lent it from friend . after that wl came over to my house. -.- her postal v.nice. (: but the description cannot make it . make me want laugh also cant laugh out -.- . sent her work(: she panic when the clock started to tick faster on 11.55pm :D end up she went home at 12am. sent her off to busstop and i went to ys house for printing. came down around 1am++ going 2. doing my things . after that cant tong and i went sleep :x.

3 Sept .
went for army open house visit (Paris laba Camp) i only know around joon koong~ (:. had fun around. but sad that we didnt went for the shooting range to try out the new gun . aww. lottering around and hope i get lost. LOL but map was given in the brochure -.- zzz as boring as expected. waiting CA to sent photo ~ -.- wanted to sleep on the way back school , but the driver drive like extremely fast =.= reached school like in 15min . zz had 1hr30min break. after break , teacher said that lesson start at 2.15pm . and it has been 2.30pm she still not yet there. everyone went home. actually i wanted to go home too (:. but i stayed till 4pm. guess whad ? only 6ppl attend :D and im included (:. reached home and i fall asleep -.- waked up and wanted to do my BEG , but no mood to do . do first few question and i close my book. watch TV and surf net. trying to hack photoshop CS2 Serial code . but end up only sucuessfully haccked dreamweaver ..-.-

4 Sept
SBM project interview . slacked the whole 2 period . nothing to do .
BEG , teacher never come? waste my time doing my homework and she didnt came to school. kidding me? -.- went home early.

Common test on the 14 SEPT .
BEO test on THUR .
oh , faster clear away the test :D

im missing .....

goodbye reader.