Hello reader!
Been slacking this few day as i can. LOL :X Applied my HNitec course with my mates already. -.- and i used the day before to think for the whole night till 7am andi went sleep zzzz
This is what i choosed for my HNitec course.
Business Admin - CCK/Clementi
Business Event - Bishan
Business Accounting - Bishan.
Currently still waiting my nitec course appeal result which is this coming 15th jan.
and and and im having class chalet on this 15th JAN also ! OHH! and there's is Solar Eclipse this coming 15th JAN also. quite alot thing happen this coming friday. hahaha. im so excited about the eclipse which 30% can seen in singapore -.- if you missed this eclipse, you gona wait till 2016 which is 6 more year !! but 2016 shows that 85% of the sun is cover. NICE UHS? Im wondering would we people live till that day? LOL hope so. :O
What is a Solar Eclipse ?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is fully or partially covered. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. At least two and up to five solar eclipses can occur each year on Earth, with between zero and two of them being total eclipses.

Annular Solar Eclipse

A total eclipse :D:D
SO what you waiting for? COME ON MAN ! WATCH IT ON THE 15TH JAN 2.30PM ~ 5.30PM !
Had been using website to make layout . and this is what i trying to work out on a gaming website ? though it doesnt look that nice, but still can do some touch up ! :D
here's the preview picture...

This is just a preview (: * the top monster will move when you visit the website *
Click this link to see it more clear-er.
What i had been planning to do is to work out another 2 kind of website which is used for Company and MP3 use . althought my previous comp contain all photoshop work , but still i lost them everyone of it. NEVERMIND. its a new start ! do everything all over again (: OH YEAH, tell you something, im also working out on blogskin ! WAHAHAHHAA. stay tune ! ^^
this are those i found in my blogpost. HAHAHA!!


i do this something stupid to disiao ppl in msn -.-
Hahaha. :X

my v.v.v.first wallpaper in my prevous comp desktop T.T

My v.first abstruct picture.


Abstruct wallpaper.

Hitsugaya Toushirou .
END ^^
takecare (:
* i dont use other's tool/programm on the website to make website layout. i Either self coding or use DreamWeaver. so dont misunderstand (:
* These are those old picture(photoshop picture) dont judge those picture if you dont even know hw to do.
*Vector design soon ! you wait me get my comp first. i WILL SHOW YOU ! XD
Been slacking this few day as i can. LOL :X Applied my HNitec course with my mates already. -.- and i used the day before to think for the whole night till 7am andi went sleep zzzz
This is what i choosed for my HNitec course.
Business Admin - CCK/Clementi
Business Event - Bishan
Business Accounting - Bishan.
Currently still waiting my nitec course appeal result which is this coming 15th jan.
and and and im having class chalet on this 15th JAN also ! OHH! and there's is Solar Eclipse this coming 15th JAN also. quite alot thing happen this coming friday. hahaha. im so excited about the eclipse which 30% can seen in singapore -.- if you missed this eclipse, you gona wait till 2016 which is 6 more year !! but 2016 shows that 85% of the sun is cover. NICE UHS? Im wondering would we people live till that day? LOL hope so. :O
What is a Solar Eclipse ?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is fully or partially covered. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. At least two and up to five solar eclipses can occur each year on Earth, with between zero and two of them being total eclipses.

Annular Solar Eclipse

A total eclipse :D:D
SO what you waiting for? COME ON MAN ! WATCH IT ON THE 15TH JAN 2.30PM ~ 5.30PM !
Had been using website to make layout . and this is what i trying to work out on a gaming website ? though it doesnt look that nice, but still can do some touch up ! :D
here's the preview picture...

This is just a preview (: * the top monster will move when you visit the website *
Click this link to see it more clear-er.
What i had been planning to do is to work out another 2 kind of website which is used for Company and MP3 use . althought my previous comp contain all photoshop work , but still i lost them everyone of it. NEVERMIND. its a new start ! do everything all over again (: OH YEAH, tell you something, im also working out on blogskin ! WAHAHAHHAA. stay tune ! ^^
this are those i found in my blogpost. HAHAHA!!



i do this something stupid to disiao ppl in msn -.-

Hahaha. :X

my v.v.v.first wallpaper in my prevous comp desktop T.T

My v.first abstruct picture.


Abstruct wallpaper.

Hitsugaya Toushirou .
END ^^
takecare (:
* i dont use other's tool/programm on the website to make website layout. i Either self coding or use DreamWeaver. so dont misunderstand (:
* These are those old picture(photoshop picture) dont judge those picture if you dont even know hw to do.
*Vector design soon ! you wait me get my comp first. i WILL SHOW YOU ! XD