few days back i sent an email to principal for transfering course from office to IT which is quite impossible to success. whatever, im trying to do what i can do for now . Currently still waiting the IT Department to return my call latest by this week . Oh .. previously he called me for a 45min chat , asking me lots of question . i even forget whats my blog link when he asked me for it. -.- god dam it.-.- he told me that the chances to get in HNitec Information Technology is quite low. So i asked him what should i do now ? Oh yeah , i dont know why the hell i said about NS thingy. -.- anw , i told him that no matter what ,im gona finish my ITE and then proceed to 2yr NS after that im starting a new fresh in poly. :D Now im hoping to get in either one of the course or i'll be dead .
May god bless me . Im praying v.hard for this time round .
Chances is what you should give me .
takecare reader! :D