oh , its been ages since i last post. Finally got myself a course in balestier -Nitec Infoccom - which will be moving to cck this coming july. This semester learning Engenieering Ess and IT Ess Next semester programming and manage web applicant (if im not wrong) :X im alrd dead in the first semester. need memorise all the fking format -.- (something related to D&T) which i dont really know or learnt before in the past. bloodyhell , its driving me crazy. _|_ but im gona work hard no matter what musst at least get a GPA of 3.8:D HAHAHA. thanks the section head UHS. :D
No more time to waste. after 2 year of nitec, National Service. After that, im not going to carry on for my Hnitec! i want to proceed straight to poly . i must work dam hard to make it fulfil! :D
OK, post till here!
Takecare Reader.